
Cancer Care

Oncology and onco-surgeries

The aim of Alameda Healthcare and As-Salam International Hospital is to serve the Community. We are searching for new treatments, techniques, innovations that can eradicate cancer, and until that is possible; we are utilizing cutting-edge technology that will allow our patients the quality of life that they deserve. We have added intraoperative Hyperthermia Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) to our treatment regimens for those patients who can benefit from this treatment with advanced abdominal cancers. HIPEC may improve a patient’s survival by 5 years.

Radiotherapy use radiation to kill or damage cancer cells and stop them from growing and multiplying. Radiotherapy is a localized treatment, which means the therapy generally only affects the part of the body where the radiation is directed. At least one in two people diagnosed with cancer will benefit from Radiotherapy, which can be used to control, help in other treatments or for palliative treatment.



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